Join the ORS™ Development Team

Dreamborn™ is looking for qualified people to assist in the development of ORS™. There are two types of positions currently available: ORS™ Partners and ORS™ Associates.

ORS™ Partners

Partners will be part of the ORS™ development team.  Partners will receive percentage shares of the ORS™ intellectual property upon successful completion of a project task.  In other words, you can become part owner in the next-generation role-playing system.  Should the ORS™ concept ever be sold or brought to market you will get a percentage of the profits.  While you are a partner in good standing you will always have access to the latest quarterly updates to all the ORS™ rules books.

To become an ORS™ partner you must:


ORS™ Associates

Associates are volunteers within the ORS™ community.  The only compensation an ORS™ associate will ever receive is acknowledgment in the Rule books.  You can submit revised, researched and referenced sections on un-authored portions of the ORS Standard Rules™, and ORS GM’s Guide™.  If your revisions are accepted your name will appear in the credits.  An associate may also donate original artwork for possible inclusion in the rulebooks.  You can submit new creatures and monsters for inclusion into the forth coming ORS Entity Encyclopedia™.  If your mythical creature is accepted your name will appear in the credits.  You can submit minor suggestions, and corrections to any existing part of the ORS™ rules set.  You have the opportunity to influence the development of ORS™.  You can request to be a play tester/beta test site for the ORS™ software products and documentation.  The latest quarterly updates to all the ORS™ pre-release rules books will always be available.

To become an ORS™ associate you must:


For additional information, email: info [at]
For a copy of the PIA, click here (PDF file)